Chapter 9. Log traces

Table of Contents

Common information
Wakeup logs
Request to local node
Sent notification

This chapter summarizes what are the main logs the wakeup platform writes to the console (or file if it is configured).

It is divided in two different parts, one for global server and other for the local part.


Debug messages are not shown. Only starting from the info level (this also includes error , critical ).

Common information

Here is some information about how to configure log levels and the logger itself (which is the log4js module for NodeJS) with common configurations that are copied and adapted from the main log4js configuration page

"log4js": {
  "appenders": [
      "type": "file",
      "filename": "NS_WakeUp.log",
      "category": "WakeUp_Global"
    { "type": "console" }
  "level": "ALL"

Most of the configuration is self-explanatory, but the main idea needed to tweak is:

  • appendersIt is an array of different appenders that is going to be executed. The default file (shown above) has two different appenders: file (which need more parameters to work correctly) and console .

  • levelUsed to log from that level. ALL means that everything is going to be logged, but can be used TRACE , DEBUG ... All levels are configured in the log4js page .